B2b Lead generation with linkedin advertising

we take care of it for you, all you have to do is the follow up

Working in b2b? then your next business is on linkedin.

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integrated in your sales proces

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how well are the leads? What quality?

New text

New text

start getting qualified leads now

Let us help you get everything straight.

we bring you the lead generation program

Follow the lead


SN koppeling


CRM koppeling

so how does it work?

Hele nieuwe flow


➊ Intake call


We set up an intake call by Zoom or Teams.


During this meeting, we will discuss your current targets for the Company Page, your current approach, and your wishes.


We also have a lot of questions we will ask and then you will give us Admin access to your Company Page.


(we will send you an NDA upfront)

➋ Data collection


We will start collecting all data from your Company Page.


We do this by using an API connection, so we get more data than you normally get in the Company Page analytics environment.

➌ Data analyzes and interpretation


We will assess and analyse the data and put this in a Company Page Performance Report.


We will also have an in-depth look at your Company Pages and all the settings.

➍ Finalising report and creating training material


We will write our advice for improvement. Based on your goals and targets we look at our data and will write your custom advice.


We will also set up a roadmap for you on how to reach your goals.


We will put all together in a final report and training material.

➎ Completely custom Training


Based on your goals and targets and our findings we will train you in how to get more out of your Company Page.


This training will be given to at least one person (or more) from Marketing and HR.


This training is based on data from your Company Page and your targets and wishes.


The training will cover a.o. the following topics:


➪ Setting up the Company Page the right way;

➪ Admin roles

➪ Followers – do you reach the right audience?

➪ How to attract the right followers;

➪ Visitors to your Company Page;

➪ Visitors to your Jobs Page;

➪ How to post free jobs the right way to your Jobs Page;

➪ Setting up the community for Employees;

➪ Analyses of your update behavior;

➪ Improvement advice on update strategy;

➪ Analyses of your Content Marketing;

➪ Improvement advice on your Content Marketing;

➪ How to involve employees in your content marketing;

➪ The road map for future use of your Company Page;

➪ Q&A


Optionally we can also cover:


➪ Product pages;

➪ Career pages;

➪ Life at pages;

how about reporting?

Of course, you are curious what is in the report you will get.


Well, quite a lot. 


Have a look at our demo report to check for yourself!


ReADY TO ask for a proposal?

So by now, you must be ready to start ASAP. Quite, simple, fill out the form and we will send you all details.


If you are in doubt or have any questions? Don’t hesitate to send us your questions. We will answer them!


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